2nd Steering Committee & Project Management Board Meeting - Budva
21 February 2019
2nd Steering Committee & Project Management Board Meeting

The 2nd #DynaMob 2.0 project meeting of partners was held in Budva, Montenegro during 20th – 21st February 2019, in order to provide insight on #DynaMob 2.0 project implementation. Each WP was discussed presenting the relevant states of the art, its activities and deliverables.

The meeting was followed by moderated open discussion, focusing on the next steps about upcoming tasks and responsibilities of each partner, timeframe, budget changes etc.

Based on feedback, inputs and opinions given, common and important decisions were taken among partners in order to help and facilitate cooperation and support partnership.

The second project meeting was attended by representatives of Municipality of Copertino, Municipality of Campobasso, Ulisse Training Agency, Municipality of Budva and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tirana. 

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23 April 2019