
1. Dyn-APP mobility app

This is a mobility smart application for monitoring traffic peak and roads condition. Moreover, the application will more mobility information for the area involved , such as : maps of the areas, train and coach connection, cycle paths available, wheater updates, eco-car charging point on the way and everything is necesssary for the traveller.

You can easily download it from here

2. #DynaMob 2.0 integrated action plan 

This action plan aims to promote a network between municipalities and public administration for policies peer-review with the participation of other stakeholders and administrations The Cross Border Network will be used to share mobility cross-border information, ideas,opportunities, guidelines, to setting up and improve services and activities The CBC Network will be useful to develop contacts with transport and end-users. The CBC Network is intended as a “non-physical space” that helps, promotes, sustains and advices stakeholders, green mobility providers and communities in order to increase sustainable mobility,changing behavior and attention to environmental issues.

3. #DynaMob 2.0 roads

Within the territorial boundaries each municipality has selected 2 roads for sustainable mobility only. These roads are indicated as DYNAMOB ROAD 2.0 with ditection signs that respect the project visual identity. The DYNAMOB ROAD 2.0 are a tool to improve and promote the bike- sharing and eco-car services among citiziens. 

4. Cross border bike-sharing on site action

This services will contribute to achieve a MOBILITY CHALLENGE by encouraging their use and they can bring positive benefits to
- It can give people a way to save money and allow them to do more with the time they used to spend sitting in traffic;
- It can help to reduce congestion and air pollution;
- It can lead a healthier lifestyle.

The partners, with the assistance of external experts, had set up bike–sharing/ eco–car point infrastructures.