
15 February 2019
#DYNAMOB 2.0, project partners meet on 20 and 21 February in Budva

#DYNAMOB 2.0 project partners will meet on 20 and 21 February in Budva (Montenegro) to discuss on project implementation. In particular, they will present the state of the art of activities and deliverables related to the Action Plan for integrated Smart Mobility, #Dynamob 2.0 Roads and Investments.

The Municipality of Budva will host the event.

#DynaMob 2.0 aims to promote eco-services and environmentally friendly transport modes (electric car sharing and bike sharing) in the municipality areas, introduce eco-innovative technologies in traditional transport, promote networks for transport policies review. 

#DYNAMOB 2.0 partnership is composed of Comune di Copertino (Italian lead partner), Agenzia Formativa Ulisse (IT), Opština Budva (ME), Comune di Campobasso (IT), Dhoma e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë, Tiranë (AL), Bashkia Skrapar (AL) and Bashkia Tiranë (Albanian Associated partners).